Tips &Tricks

Home-School Life 

Home-School can be tough at times... especially your first year. There are even 'TYPES' of home-school.

  • Normal book to book school
  • Online school
  • etc.
For two (2) years I took Normal book to book school. It wasn't all that bad, it was fun ^-^ Then from 7th grade on-wards I took the official K12 online school. I can tell you that the first year was - how should I say this - TERRIBLE! Of course, back then I believed that the school is hard.... but what I took wrong was that I was 'MAKING' it hard. Its my second year and it is awesome! Now that I know what to do and what NOT to do. 

Now - every school is actually PRETTY easy - according to your age of course. Sometimes people take a school for a year and drop it out just because they THOUGHT it was hard, but what they don't think of is that they are the ones THINKING and MAKING it hard. 

K12 is an amazing, organized, friendly environment school. You can check out their website and what they do here  

Thank you so much for reading this post! 

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