Monday, May 18, 2015




Get ready to say with me, 3......2........1........ "REHAMS MIRACLE POSTS!"

Another one, BUT, its related to school!
So I was having a conversation with one of my school teachers and she started talking about the United Nations, I was like, "Hold on, did I tell you I was in the MMUN this year??" she was all like, "Umm, no...." and I told her a long story and then she said, "OH WOW! Let me go tell the head of the school website!" I was like, so confused, I had no idea what was really going on.

Later I got a Skype request from the lady my teacher was talking about,

She asked, "Oh hello, I heard that you have been to the MMUN?" I replied, "Yes, I had an amazing time!" Then she went on by telling me that she wants me to write for the SCHOOL BLOG! Oh yipee!

Now I know you arent getting the picture yet, but only some SOME people out there get a chance to write 1 experience and then allowed to write a whole AWFUL LOT MORE!

Oh that day was an amazing one for me, I am already reaching an "A" in math which is physically impossible but it is for this "GLAMOUR GIRL" *hairflip*

Oki, catch ya guys in my next post!

Oh and if you want to share an experience with my blog then comment a whole paragraph below, you can get a chance to be in my weekly newsletter!  

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