Friday, June 12, 2015

Summer Official!


Oh well, I know...

Exams started for you, huh? Well.... TOO BAD.



SUMMER IS HERE! FINALLY! Can't wait to start my Youtube channel and have a good time on my computer on the internet. Please make sure to comment and let me know about anything you think is a GREAT thing to post about!

Monday, May 18, 2015




Get ready to say with me, 3......2........1........ "REHAMS MIRACLE POSTS!"

Another one, BUT, its related to school!
So I was having a conversation with one of my school teachers and she started talking about the United Nations, I was like, "Hold on, did I tell you I was in the MMUN this year??" she was all like, "Umm, no...." and I told her a long story and then she said, "OH WOW! Let me go tell the head of the school website!" I was like, so confused, I had no idea what was really going on.

Later I got a Skype request from the lady my teacher was talking about,

She asked, "Oh hello, I heard that you have been to the MMUN?" I replied, "Yes, I had an amazing time!" Then she went on by telling me that she wants me to write for the SCHOOL BLOG! Oh yipee!

Now I know you arent getting the picture yet, but only some SOME people out there get a chance to write 1 experience and then allowed to write a whole AWFUL LOT MORE!

Oh that day was an amazing one for me, I am already reaching an "A" in math which is physically impossible but it is for this "GLAMOUR GIRL" *hairflip*

Oki, catch ya guys in my next post!

Oh and if you want to share an experience with my blog then comment a whole paragraph below, you can get a chance to be in my weekly newsletter!  

Sunday, May 10, 2015


You: Oh no.
Me: Oh yes.
You: Not another miracle post!!!!
Me: Yup, another miracle post.
You: Oh maaan!!!
Me: Yeahh!!

On May 10th me and my family decided to go to ‘WTC’ mall and eat ‘NANDOS’ simply Niall Horan’s FAVORITE place of course! I was super pumped up, I made loads of videos and tried NOT to waste my battery too. I mean, haha!

Since I am gluten-free I had some chicken, corn, Fanta, french-fries and… of course some chicken kabab! Although… I think it was.
It was SUPER yummy, and looking around there were like table shaped ceilings and writings all over the walls. It was a wonderful experience. At the end Mummy ordered some chocolate cake and COMPLETELY FORGOT about me and Daddy’s PROBLEM, I mean hello?? So I took a few bites of course, I mean COME ON who could not!

~Another wonderful experience, by Reham.

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Achieve Goals!

☀ I want to achieve goals this year, un-like the post I made earlier on what TO GET this year.

I thought why not make a SUPER-FABULOUS poster/chart reading out the things you want to accomplish as a going to be (13) year old! If you want to request one for your age or just simply want to request one, please comment, like and follow my posts!


I think everyone should make their a little journal online, I mean you could use Google Drive, power-point, word, or any-other program for writing. Some people might prefer writing in journals, but some could prefer writing online, and not for a blog but it would be safe in a folder and you could NEVER lose it!!
I got the idea from the movie, "Read It & Weep" you guys should totally watch it! I have to go finish some more school, I'll put more info later, BYE!

❤ Reham ❤

Saturday, April 25, 2015

UN Day 1

I literally came back yesterday very confident! MUN is a pretty awesome place. I was 80% nervous and 20% confident! I really hope DAY 2 goes well, I am speaking too!! 

See you, and wish me luck!

Monday, April 20, 2015



Soooooooo, ya.

I am going to start my Mareha delights career in Ramadan or Summer break, because April & May are the busiest months of the school year!

Anywho, I have lots of visits lately and CAN'T WAIT until I get.................. get.................. get......... a VIMEO CHANNEL!!!! YAY! ----THIS SUMMER/MAY!----

I mean, vimeo isnt so bad after all. Its pretty cool! You guys should comment more often... really. I mean, its fun answering questions!

See ya!
